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Books Section

    Like many other students, I had the Opportunity to download books from the net - all thanks to those people who fostered the idea of having books online.Thanks to these authors - many students who are in need of information have access to a virtual sea of guidance. Below are some of the books I had referred (Not written :). Search properly, and you will find more.
     I would like to add that the open source code movement (I am an ILUG-BOM member) has very greatly encouraged the idea of free S/W, free documentation.

Windows + Linux How-To : - (100 kB)
This HOWTO is aimed at assisting those who wish to use the features of both Windows and Linux on the
same machine.

OpenGl Programming Guide : - (Mason Woo)
This is the Open Gl Guide - A good book to start off. Currently prescdribed for many Graphics courses, Including CSE480 of UB
It is available in the .pdf Format at -

Linux Programming Guide : - (137 Kb)
A guide to explain the basics of Programming on the Linux platform.

Linux Administration Made Easy : - (97.4 Kb)
The ?Linux Administration Made Easy? (LAME) guide attempts to describe day today administration and maintenance issues commonly faced by Linux system administrators. Part of the Linux Documentation Project.

Linux Kernel Internals : - (54.8Kb)
Introduction to the Linux 2.4 kernel.

The Linux Kernel :- ( 376 Kb)
A more detailed description of the Linux Kernel.
This book is not intended to be used as an internals manual for Linux. Instead it is an introduction to operating systems in general and to Linux in particular.

The Linux System Administrators' Guide : - (119Kb)
An introduction to system administration of a Linux system for novices.

Offline Mail Using Linux (Sendmail - Fetchmail - Pine) : - (5.54Kb)
Many   people use Dialup lines at homes and need offline Email Checking - This mini-HowTo by Simone Govoni helps
Newbies to configure sendmail to send mails from their system.
To recieve mails - I use fetchmail. If you have fetchmail installed on your system, I will suggest uding the fetchmailconf
command to recieve mail. It provides a simple GUI to configure your system to fetch Emails.
I have a downloadable script in the utilities section for which automatically configures sendmail and fetchmail.

Perl Tutorial : - (575 Kb)
Teach yourself perl in 21 days :) Need I say anything more??
Please download the following two parts -   (473 Kb)   (103 Kb)

RedHat Unleashed : - (786 Kb)
Now... This is self explanatory :)
Please download the following two parts -    (400 Kb)  (391 Kb)
Unzip the contents of the two files into a single folder. The first page is index.html

TCP/IP Network Administration : - (502Kb)
It is self-explanatory again :). However, It is the text edition of a html book.
I have zipped it 2 times to save disk space :).

Beejs Guide to Network Programming : - (40.8 Kb)
Again, a self explanatory name - It is a starters guide, though

More books are listed on the site -

There are links to more tutorials in the LINKS section

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